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Coronavirus / Covid 19 Update - February 2022


I have now had an update from my governing body, the Institute for Soft Tissue Therapist (ISRM) in regard to their expectation following the changes that came into affect on 24th February 2022 in terms of Covid 19.

As it was prior to Covid 19, we have been advised to 
- screen clients for any 'winter virus' (cold, flu and now Covid 19) and not treat the client until they are symptom free.
-  not treat clients if I as the therapist have a winter virus. 

We have also been recommended to 
- continue to wear a face covering during the main winter virus season (November to March) and request that our clients to do the same. 
- continue with ventilating rooms, especially between clients.
- continue with good hygiene practices.


Coronavirus / Covid 19 Update - Monday 5th April 2021


So happy that today’s announcement from the Government means that Soft Tissue Therapists will be able to open from 12th April 2021. I have therefore now opened my online booking system. The Institute of Soft Tissue Therapists have obviously not had time to release the guidance based on today's announcement, so I am currently using the previous guidance to base my reopening on. If things significantly change I will contact those booked in and ensure the new guidance is being followed. To book an appointment visit


Coronavirus / Covid 19 Update - Monday 22nd February 2021


After the challenging last few months (some would say year), it has been promising to hear today from the Government that the gradual easing of he 3rd lockdown period will be starting on the 8th March 2021.

Early indications are that the earliest rb massage will be able to reopen is Monday 12th April 2021 as part of Stage 2 of the easing of this lockdown.  This is the date that our Governing Body has confirmed as the earliest date Soft Tissue Therapists will be allowed to open.  

I am going to keep a close eye on the progress of Stage 1 in the easing of lockdown and if the second part of Stage 1 goes ahead on Monday 29th March 2021, I will then open my booking system on the website for appointments starting in the week commencing Monday 12th April 2021.  I will email clients to confirm that the booking system is open.



Coronavirus / Covid 19 Update - Tuesday 5th January 2021


Following the Government's announcement the England will be entering a 3rd lockdown period,  rb massage will remain closed until lockdown easing commences and Soft Tissue Therapists are allowed to return to work.



Coronavirus / Covid-19 Update - Wednesday 23rd December 2020


rb massage temporary closure
Today's announcement by Matt Hancock moving Hampshire into tier 4, means that rb massage will not be able to reopen after Christmas. The next review by the government is scheduled to take place on 30th December 2020, but I'm not anticipating we will move out of tier 4 then. I will contact clients directly that have appointments booked and will be closing my booking system on my website until at time it is confirmed that Hampshire will be moving out of tier 4.

rb massage and the Tier System 
Tiers 1 & 2 - rb massage will adhere to to the guidelines set out by the ISRM following the first lockdown - Covid screening, new health screening if not seen since 1st lockdown, telephone consultation prior to appointment, enhanced cleaning, extra time between appointments, extra ventilation to the treatment room, single use mask throughout all of appointment and vizor wearing during treatment.
Tier 3 - everything in Tier 1&2 plus ensuring windows are open throughout treatments, wearing disposable gloves and apron during treatments.
Tier 4 - rb massage will have to close due restrictions imposed.

The majority of my clients live locally and therefore fall into the same tier as rb massage.

When rb massage is in Tier 1-3, I will still not be able to treat anyone that lives in a tier 4 area. 


Coronavirus / Covid-19 Update -Friday 27th November 2020


Woo hoo! rb massage reopens on Thursday 3rd December!

I am happy to be able to say that following the Government's announcement and subsequent guidance, rb massage will be reopening on Thursday 3rd December 2020.  While we remain in either Tier 1 or Tier 2 the clinic will run as it did prior to the 2nd lockdown.  If at any point we move to Tier 3, extra measures will come into place within the clinic to ensure everyone is as safe as possible,  You can click here to book an appointment online. 

I know some people will be thinking about Christmas presents so at the end of this email I have included information about gift vouchers.




Before the appointment

- If it is your first appointment since the end of lockdown, in your booking conformation email, there will be a link to complete an online forms.  You will need to complete this even if you have been before prior to lockdown.  Please complete this form within 24 hours of booking the appointment.  You will be required to re-sign the Covid-19 screening form at every appointment you have. 

- I am currently required to complete the discussion I normally have with clients when they arrive for their appointment over the telephone prior to the appointment.  Therefore, when you book any appointment you will be asked whether you are ok to have a call the evening before your appointment or whether we need to arrange another time. 

What I have done
- All soft furnishings have been removed from the treatment room.

- The treatment room and communal areas you have access to will have been thoroughly cleaned and sanitised before your appointment and between clients.

- There will be a minimum time of 15 minutes in between clients for sufficient sanitisation of the treatment room and toilet facilities.
- The room will be aired in between clients. 

- During clinic times, no-one in the household uses the front door or the downstairs bathroom.  This is to minimise as much as possible the contact that clients have with anyone other than myself from the household.
On arrival
- Please arrive on time for your appointment.  Outside the front door is a table with sanitiser on it.  Please sanitise your hands and put your face mask on.

- All clients must wear a two-layered mask or face covering to the treatment and be wearing this before they enter the premises.  I will be wearing a new face mask for every client and will be wearing this when I come and get you. 
- Before entering the premises, you will be asked to re-sign your Covid-19 screening form to confirm that your circumstances have not changed.

- On entering the premises, you will be required to wash and sanitise your hands.  Please do not touch anything as you enter the house, I will open and close the doors for you.
- Once in the treatment room, you will asked to place all your belongings (including any clothes you remove) in the plastic box provided.  This is sanitised between clients.

- There is a QR code within the treatment room and if you are able (have your phone and it's compatible), you will be asked to scan the code.  I am required to do this, it is the clients choice whether they do this.  I am required to keep a written log of clients and their time of arrival and departure in case I am contacted by track and trace.

The treatment
- We are required to keep contact time to a minimum and therefore appointments will be a maximum of 45 minute in length, unless for scar immersion appointments.

- I will wear a vizor when I start the hands on treatment. This is sanitised between clients.

- You are able to pay by cash,  bank transfer or card at the appointment.  I can provide details for a bank transfer if you don't already have them.

- You will be able to sanitise your hands before leaving.

What to bring with you.....
1. A two-layered mask/face covering 

2. Water should you wish to have some.

rb massage

Coronavirus / Covid-19 Update - Saturday 7th November 2020


Temporary closure to face-to-face appointments from Thursday 5th November - Wednesday 2nd December 2020.

Please bear with me as there's quite a bit to explain...

In England’s second national lockdown, there is now an official appreciation that the public do need ongoing access to wider healthcare services provided by professionals who are highly qualified and can take the strain off the primary healthcare system. As a result, level 5 qualified soft tissue practitioners (which I am) are recognised as delivering some of the highest standards of supporting health.  This is really positive news for our profession and clients and a real step forward.

This would mean that if a clinic / therapist can meet all the regulations set out by their professional body (for me that is the ISRM),  they are able to offer a reduced service to clients who require urgent, acute clinical musculo-skeletal consultation rather than general soft tissue therapy / massage. Due to the increased rates of infection, the conditions in which the service is provided has to meet very stringent conditions in terms of only having face-to-face appointments which are absolutely necessary and keeping these appointments very short.

One of the criteria that needs to be met to continue working at this reduced level, is that therapists working from home must have separate access from the house to their clinic room. Clients that have been to my home clinic will know that this is not the case at rb massage and while I am confident in the processes I have in place since reopening in July, to ensure there is no cross over between the household and my clients, ultimately I do not have separate access to the clinic room and therefore do not meet this condition.

Therefore rb massage will remain closed to in person appointments during this lockdown until the criteria for home clinics changes which is likely to be the end of the lockdown period.  Should this not be the case then I will be looking at potential alternatives in terms of working locations.

I want to continue to support my clients as much as I can through lockdown so if you are already a client and you need advice re soft tissue discomfort during the lockdown, please contact me by text or email and I will arrange a time to call you to discuss the issue and what might help.

Stay safe and well,

Kind regards

Coronavirus / Covid -19 update - 1st November 2020.


Potential temporary closure from Thursday 5th November - Wednesday 2nd December 2020.


As most of you will be aware, yesterday evening the Prime Minister announced that we will be entering a second period of lockdown from Thursday 5th November until Wednesday 2nd December 2020.

The situation is complicated for Soft tissue Therapists and The Institute for Soft Tissue Therapists are still working their way through all the information (and waiting for some that they expect to get on Monday or Tuesday).

Despite working safely and effectively since reopening in July, at the moment I'm having to prepare for rb massage to temporarily close during the 2nd lockdown.  Should the information being released at the beginning of the week change this I will update everyone.  

For those that have an appointment booked on Tuesday 3rd November - these appointments will go ahead as normal (well the new Covid-19 normal).  For those that had appointments booked after this, I have contacted you separately.  If you would like to book an appointment before lockdown then there are a couple of appointments available on Tuesday.

I have temporarily suspended the online booking system between Thursday 5th November and Wednesday 2nd December 2020 until I have more information from The Institute of Soft Tissue Therapists.  This means that currently there are available appointments for Tuesday and then from Thursday 3rd December on the online booking system.  The online booking system can be accessed here.  

I hope you all stay safe during the next few weeks.

Kind regards

Coronavirus / Covid -19 Update - 15th October 2020


rb massage has been reopen following lockdown for a number of months now and working in the new way has become much more natural and the processes have been refined slightly.  

If you've not had an appointment at rb massage since lock down ended below is the new way clinics work.


Now the details


Before the appointment
- On your first appointment after lockdown (even if you have been before) you will be required to complete an initial assessment form and Covid-19 screening form (this is a requirement of my governing body / professional association). Please complete these forms within 24 hours of booking the appointment. Within the online booking system there is a Covid-19 screening question which you are required to answer when booking any appointment.   


- I will call you either the evening before your appointment or morning of your appointment (you choose when you book).  This is to discuss what issues you would like to work on, check for Covid-19 symptoms and explain the process when you come if there have been any changes.

On arrival

- Please arrive on time for your appointment.  I will endeavour not to keep you waiting.


- There is a table outside the front door with hand sanitiser on, please sanitise your hands and put your face mask on.  All clients must wear a two-layered mask or face covering to the treatment and be wearing this before they enter the premises.  I will be wearing a new face mask for every client and will be wearing this when I come and get you. 
- Before entering the premises, you will be asked to resign the Covid-19 screening form to confirm that there are no changes.

- On entering the premises, you will be required to wash and sanitise your hands.  Please do not touch anything as you enter the house, I will open and close the doors for you.
- You will asked to place all your belongings (including any clothes you remove) in the plastic box provided.  This is sanitised between clients.

The treatment
- We are required to keep contact time to a minimum and therefore appointments will be a maximum of 45 minute in length unless longer is deemed necessary.

- I will wear a vizor when I start the hands on treatment. This is sanitised between clients.
- You will be required to by bank transfer, card machine or cash (to be placed by you into a box) - I will provide details for bank transfer if you don't already have them.

- You will be able to sanitise your hands before leaving.

What to bring with you.....
1. A two-layered mask/face covering 

2. Water should you wish to have some.


What I have done
- All soft furnishings will have been removed from the treatment room.

- The treatment room and communal areas you have access to will have been thoroughly cleaned and sanitised before your appointment and between clients.

- There will be a minimum time of 15 minutes in between clients for sufficient sanitisation of the treatment room and toilet facilities.
- The room will be aired in between clients. 


- My household do not use the front door or downstairs toilet while I have clinics.


If you fall into any of the below categories I will need written confirmation from your GP that you are allowed to have soft tissue therapy

- you have had Covid-19 and were hospitalised
- you are currently taking medication for Covid-19
- you were considered to be in a high risk group and were therefore required to shield. 

Please can I ask that if you develop any of the COVID-19 symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell); if you have travelled from abroad in the last 14 days; or you have been in contact with anyone with a confirmed case of COVID-19, that you do not attend any appointments with rb massage and that you follow the official guidance.
If I or anyone in my household becomes unwell with the Covid-19 symptoms or I am contacted by track and trace, I will make clients aware immediately and reschedule appointments. This may mean I need to cancel / reschedule appointments at short notice but this is to keep everyone safe.

Coronavirus / Covid -19 Update - 20th August 2020


rb massage has been reopen following lockdown for a month now and working in the new way has become much more natural.  

If you've not had an appointment at rb massage since lock down ended below is the new way clinics work.


Now the details


Before the appointment
- On your first appointment after lockdown (even if you have been before) you will be required to complete an initial assessment form (this is a requirement of my governing body / professional association) AND a Covid -19 screening form.  You will be required to complete a Covid-19 screening form when booking every appointment there after.  Please complete these forms within 24 hours of booking the appointment. 


- I will call you either the evening before your appointment or morning of your appointment (you choose when you book).  This is to discuss what issues you would like to work on, check for Covid-19 symptoms and explain the process when you come if there have been any changes.

On arrival

- Please arrive on time for your appointment.  I will endeavour not to keep you waiting.


- There is a table outside the front door with hand sanitiser on, please sanitise your hands and put your face mask on.  All clients must wear a two-layered mask or face covering to the treatment and be wearing this before they enter the premises.  I will be wearing a new face mask for every client and will be wearing this when I come and get you. 
- Before entering the premises, you will be asked to resign the Covid-19 screening form to confirm that there are no changes.

- On entering the premises, you will be required to wash and sanitise your hands.  Please do not touch anything as you enter the house, I will open and close the doors for you.
- You will asked to place all your belongings (including any clothes you remove) in the plastic box provided.  This is sanitised between clients.

The treatment
- We are required to keep contact time to a minimum and therefore appointments will be a maximum of 45 minute in length.

- I will wear a vizor when I start the hands on treatment. This is sanitised between clients.
- You will be required to by bank transfer, card machine or cash (to be placed by you into a box) - I will provide details for bank transfer if you don't already have them.

- You will be able to sanitise your hands before leaving.

What to bring with you.....
1. A two-layered mask/face covering 

2. Water should you wish to have some.


What I have done
- All soft furnishings will have been removed from the treatment room.

- The treatment room and communal areas you have access to will have been thoroughly cleaned and sanitised before your appointment and between clients.

- There will be a minimum time of 15 minutes in between clients for sufficient sanitisation of the treatment room and toilet facilities.
- The room will be aired in between clients. 


- My household do not use the front door or downstairs toilet while I have clinics.


If you fall into any of the below categories I will need written confirmation from your GP that you are allowed to have soft tissue therapy

- you have had Covid-19 and were hospitalised
- you are currently taking medication for Covid-19
- you were considered to be in a high risk group and were therefore required to shield. 

Please can I ask that if you develop any of the COVID-19 symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell); if you have travelled from abroad in the last 14 days; or you have been in contact with anyone with a confirmed case of COVID-19, that you do not attend any appointments with rb massage and that you follow the official guidance.
If I or anyone in my household becomes unwell with the Covid-19 symptoms or I am contacted by track and trace, I will make clients aware immediately and reschedule appointments. This may mean I need to cancel / reschedule appointments at short notice but this is to keep everyone safe.

rb massage

Coronavirus / Covid -19 Update - 12th July 2020


I'm thrilled to be able to let you know that rb massage is reopening from Thursday 16th July 2020.  Coupled with the excitement of opening my treatment room again comes the task of organising a Covid-19 safe environment for us all.

I appreciate that there is still some uncertainty around Coronavirus / Covid-19 going forward and will continue to monitor this closely and follow all guidance and advice on the prevention of infection issued by the UK Government and Public Health England.  My clients' and my family's health and safety is my main priority and while we move through the various levels of the Covid-19 alert system, there will be some changes in terms of how rb massage operates to ensure the health and safety of everyone.

I wanted to take the time to outline the changes that I have made in this email and feel that although this email will be long, it is important that everyone fully understands what changes have been made to ensure that I comply with Government and Professional Association guidance.  These changes are to keep everyone as safe as possible so if you're planning on booking an appointment, I'd appreciate you taking the time to read this email. 


Now the details


Before the appointment

- In your booking conformation email, there will be a link to complete online forms.  On your first appointment after lockdown (even if you have been before) you will be required to complete an initial assessment form (this is a requirement of my governing body / professional association) AND a Covid -19 screening form.  You will be required to complete a Covid-19 screening form when booking every appointment there after.  Please complete these forms within 24 hours of booking the appointment. 

What I'll have done
- All soft furnishings will have been removed from the treatment room.

- The treatment room and communal areas you have access to will have been thoroughly cleaned and sanitised before your appointment and between clients.

- There will be a minimum time of 15 minutes in between clients for sufficient sanitisation of the treatment room and toilet facilities.
- The room will be aired in between clients. 
On arrival

- Please arrive on time for your appointment and wait in your car until I come and get you.  I will endeavour not to keep you waiting.
- All clients must wear a two-layered mask or face covering to the treatment and be wearing this before they enter the premises.  I will be wearing a new face mask for every client and will be wearing this when I come and get you. 
- Before entering the premises, you will be asked to complete a Covid-19 screening form.

- On entering the premises, you will be required to wash and sanitise your hands.  Please do not touch anything as you enter the house, I will open and close the doors for you.
- You will asked to place all your belongings (including any clothes you remove) in the plastic box provided.  This is sanitised between clients.

The treatment
- We are required to keep contact time to a minimum and therefore appointments will be a maximum of 45 minute in length.

- I will wear a vizor when I start the hands on treatment. This is sanitised between clients.
- I am unable to do any soft tissue work on the face or head, but can work on the neck.
- You will be required to by bank transfer - I will provide details if you don't already have them.

- You will be able to sanitise your hands before leaving.

What to bring with you.....
1. A two-layered mask/face covering 

2. Water should you wish to have some.


If you fall into any of the below categories I will need written confirmation from your GP that you are allowed to have soft tissue therapy

- you have had Covid-19 and were hospitalised
- you are currently taking medication for Covid-19
- you were considered to be in a high risk group and were therefore required to shield.  This includes all those over 70 and all pregnant females.



If you had a gift voucher which expired during the temporary closure, the expiry date will now be 16.09.2020 (2 months after the reopening).


Please can I ask that if you develop any of the COVID-19 symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell); if you have travelled from abroad in the last 14 days; or you have been in contact with anyone with a confirmed case of COVID-19, that you do not attend any appointments with rb massage and that you follow the official guidance.
If I or anyone in my household becomes unwell with the Covid-19 symptoms or I am contacted by track and trace, I will make clients aware immediately and reschedule appointments. This may mean I need to cancel / reschedule appointments at short notice but this is to keep everyone safe.

massage hook hampshire

Coronavirus / Covid -19 Update - 4th July 2020


Although the Government have eased lockdown in more industries, Soft Tissue Therapy is not one of those industries.  Soft Tissue Therapy is classed as a 'close contact service' and we are waiting to here from the Government when  we will be allowed to reopen.  If you would like to know when I reopen and not currently on my mailing list please email me at to be added to the mailing list.


Coronavirus / Covid-19 Update - 18th March 2020


I have had to make the very difficult decision today to close rb massage until further notice. 


I have not taken this decision lightly; I had been trying to continue the business as normal as possible for as long as possible and I’d like to thank you for trusting me and continuing to book appointments. 


Within the therapy industry, the information we have been receiving since the Coronavirus outbreak hasn’t been clear and in some respects still isn’t as the Government itself hasn’t given specific guidance. However, today I received an email from the Institute of Sports and Remedial Massage, one of my governing bodies, advising that we should discontinue treatments even with those not in a high risk group. This guidance has not been consistent across all the governing bodies; however, I do feel I have a responsibility to do what I can to put the health of my clients and family first and do not want to do anything that might jeopardise this for anyone.


I would like to make it clear that I am not self- isolating and no-one in my household is experiencing symptoms of coronavirus.


If you have a gift voucher, I will be extending this for 2 months after my reopening date.


I will keep you updated with any developments and reopening dates via my facebook page – and by email.


I appreciate that you may have an appointment booked with me and I apologise for not fulfilling this. I hope that you can understand that this has been a difficult decision to make. In the meantime, if you have a soft tissue issue you would like advice about, please do get in touch and I will try and help you find a way to manage it yourself.


I hope that you and your family keep safe and well in the coming weeks.



Coronavirus / Covid-19 Update - 14th March 2020


I appreciate that you will no doubt be getting lots of emails about Coronavirus / Covid-19 and I want you to know that I am doing all I can to keep my clients safe.  I am following all guidance and advice on the prevention of infection issued by the UK Government and Public Health England and no doubt like you will continue to monitor the situation closely – I remain open as normal for now. 
What’s rb massage doing?
rb massage has the following measures in place to safeguard everyone that visits the premises. 
- As always all equipment / surfaces in the treatment room are being cleaned on a regular basis with medical grade cleaner.
- Towels are changed between clients.
 - Clients will know that I use hand sanitiser within the treatment room and this will now also be available to clients to use. 
- Hand washing facilities are also available for clients use.
I will be asking clients to wash their hands on entering the premise and to use the hand sanitiser available.  You are also welcome to do this before you leave.
If I or anyone in my household becomes unwell with the Covid-19 symptoms, I will make clients aware immediately and reschedule appointments. 
Please can I ask that if you develop any of the COVID-19 symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath),  if you have travelled from a high risk area or you have been in contact with anyone with a confirmed case of COVID-19, that you do not attend any appointments with rb massage and that you follow the official guidance.
If you need to reschedule / cancel an appointment, please call me on 07713623219 or email me at


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